VIncent Tanguy

12/09 to 25/10/2015

Gleichapel transforms itself for Vincent Tanguy’s first solo show. Presented in two parts: “Today to Yesterday,” followed by “Break,” the artist takes over the unique space located on rue Debelleyme by exploring the geolocation of the place, as well as its architecture.

“Today to Yesterday” envisions fragmented forms of life, which when brought together turn the perception of a specific place and the principles of a linear narrative upside down.  By establishing random links, the artist brings the observer on a static journey where various spaces meet, from the domestic to the brothel or a kebab take out restaurant. In merging these experiences, the artist explores several projects: firstly, by addressing his own experience and the capacity to create links between anecdotal references, artistic practice and art history; secondly, the questioning of the sequential order between the artist’s personal experience and its artistic manifestation.  

Born in 1990, Vincent Tanguy is interested in the condition of the individual and in the systems we have established in a globalised society. This first public installation coincides with his inclusion in the exhibition “Mettre à Jour” at the FRAC Bretagne. In October 2014, his “AFK” project was performed at Gleichapel during the 2014 ‘Nuit Blanche’ in Paris and this project will be followed by the second chapter, “Break” in October coinciding with FIAC.